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With Treffl (working title) users should gain the freedom to choose who they want to talk to. Other than existing video call platforms users can see who else is present in a virtual room and engage in or leave conversations. This enables networking as well as having a number of separate conversations within a group without needing an overarching admin to define which user is supposed to talk to whom.



Unser Angebot

Use cases range from a business solution for remote teams that are looking to freely engage with each other the same way they would in an office setting to connecting marginalized groups and networking for digital events. Over time user-profiles and interactive features can help grow the various offer into one platform.


Any sort of social and professional groups that are unable to meet physically (currently especially due to Corona) but are looking for individual interaction.


We're constantly re-iterating the existing prototype while testing it with groups in our network. I am also engaged in funding efforts to allow the team to focus on the project more and approach more potential user groups.

Unsere Story

In my dad's company open conversations in the kitchen play a big role for the success of the company and the social wellbeing of the employees. Due to Corona and people working remotely, this element was no longer available. Existing solutions only allow one large room which fails to account for smaller conversations between only some of the users present or require an admin to define which user is supposed to talk to whom. When my dad approached me on whether I know a solution, I was puzzled to find there was no satisfying solution available. I also realized that many other social conversations such as networking or lunch meetings might face the same issues. Later on, I heard from several people in my network that they miss going to meetups, and organizers of meetups are struggling to bring the social aspect of such events online. Corona is temporary, but many people are getting comfortable with the newly-found abilities of working (and living) from home. Treffl can enable you to meet with people regardless of where in the world you are.
